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- <text>
- <title>
- (Einstein) Crossroads
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--Einstein Portrait
- </history>
- <link 00023>
- <link 00090><link 00104><link 00122><article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- July 1, 1946
- Crossroads
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p> For ages lost in the drifts of time, some of the most
- mysterious eyes on earth have stared cryptically toward tiny
- Bikini Atoll. On Easter Island, outrigger of the fleets of
- archipelagoes that ride the Pacific Ocean, a long file of stone
- colossi rear cold, immortal faces. No one knows what men carved
- these gigantic symbols, what hands, what primitive technology
- raised them, with what devotion or what fears. Whether they are
- gods are images of human greatness, they are menacing; they are
- monuments to the fact that man's history can perish utterly from
- earth.
- </p>
- <p> Of all strange things that the Easter Island idols have
- looked out upon through the ages, the strangest was preparing
- last week. A world, with the power of universal suicide at last
- within its grasp, was about to make its first scientific test of
- that power. During the earliest favorable weather after July 1,
- two atom bombs would be exploded at Bikini Island. The first bomb
- (and the fourth ever to be detonated anywhere) would be dropped on
- 75 obsolete warcraft anchored in the Bikini lagoon. About three
- weeks later, a second atom bomb would be exploded under the
- surface of the lagoon.
- </p>
- <p> Tremor of Finality. "Operation Crossroads" (the irony of the
- name is intentional) had been ordered by the Combined Chiefs of
- Staff in Washington, would be carried out under the command of
- Vice Admiral W.H.P. Blandy, Commander of the joint Army-Navy task
- force. Against the peaceful backdrop of palm frond and pandanus,
- on this most "backward" of islands, the most progressive of
- centuries would write in one blinding stroke of disintegration
- the inner meaning of technological civilization: all matter is
- speed and flame. Well might the stone giants embedded in the
- solid earth of Easter Island feel, in the far ripple of fission
- brought them by the waves, a tremor of finality.
- </p>
- <p> On A-day the Enola Gay, the B-29 that dropped the atom bomb
- on Hiroshima, will take off from Kwajalein, 250 miles from
- Bikini. As it makes three trial runs over the orange-colored
- U.S.S. Nevada, takes readings of wind drift and adjusts the bomb
- sights, a loudspeaker will alert the whole area. Ten or more miles
- from the target, the operational ships will keep up steam in
- case the wind shifts. Aboard, some 40,000 men will lie down
- on the decks with their feet toward the blast and their eyes
- covered against blinding.
- </p>
- <p> Then the Enola Gay will take off on its fourth and final
- run. The bomb bay will open. The bombardier, Major Harold Wood,
- before World War II a grocery clerk of Bordentown, N.J., will
- release the bomb.
- </p>
- <p> Then....
- </p>
- <p> The Genius. Through the incomparable blast and flame that
- will follow, there will be dimly discernible, to those who are
- interested in cause & effect in history, the features of a shy,
- almost saintly, childlike little man with the soft brown eyes,
- the drooping facial lines of a world-weary hound, and hair like
- an aurora borealis. He is Professor Albert Einstein, author of
- the Theory of Special Relativity, the Unified Field Theory, and a
- decisive expansion of Max Planck's Quantum Theory, onetime
- director of Berlin's Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, Professor Emeritus
- at Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study, onetime Swiss
- citizen, onetime Enemy No. 1 of Hitler's Third Reich, now a U.S.
- citizen.
- </p>
- <p> Albert Einstein did not work directly on the atom bomb. When
- the serpent of necessity hissed, the men and the woman who bit
- into the apple of scientific good & evil bore different names:
- Dr. Arthur Holly Compton, Dr. Enrico Fermi, Dr. Leo Szilard, Dr.
- H.C. Urey, Dr. Niels Bohr, Dr. J.R. Oppenheimer, et al. The woman
- was Dr. Lise Meitner, a German refugee.
- </p>
- <p> But Einstein was the father of the bomb in two important
- ways: 1) it was his initiative which started U.S. bomb research;
- 2) it was his equation (E=mc2) which made the atomic bomb
- theoretically possible.
- </p>
- <p> Late in 1939, after the German Panzers had driven through
- Poland, and the citizens of Hiroshima were still going quietly
- about their daily tasks, the little man who hates to write
- letters wrote a letter to Franklin Roosevelt. In it he stated his
- conviction that a controlled chain reaction of atomic fission
- (and hence the atom bomb) was now feasible, that the German
- Government was working on an atomic bomb, that the U.S. must
- begin research on the bomb at once or civilization would perish.
- Einstein enclosed a report by his friend, Dr. Leo Szilard,
- describing in more technical language how and why the bomb was
- possible. Franklin Roosevelt acted. Result: the Manhattan
- Project, the bomb, the 125,000 dead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
- and the biggest boost humanity has yet been given toward
- terminating its brief history of misery and grandeur.
- </p>
- <p> If any future civilizations should be left to con the
- records of the modern world, they will probably declare Albert
- Einstein the 20th Century's greatest mind. Among 20th-Century
- men, he blends to an extraordinary degree those highly distilled
- powers of intellect, intuition and imagination which are rarely
- combined in one mind, but which, when they do occur together, men
- call genius. It was all but inevitable that this genius should
- appear in the field of science, for 20th-Century civilization is
- first & foremost technological.
- </p>
- <p> Pathetic Paradox. It is typical of the dilemma of this
- civilization that masses of men humbly accept the fact of
- Einstein's genius, but only a handful understand in what it
- consists. They have heard that, in his Special and his General
- Theories of Relativity, Einstein finally explained the form and
- the nature of the physical universe and the laws governing it.
- They cannot understand his explanation. To a small elite of
- mathematicians and physicists, the score of equations in which
- Einstein embodied his picture of the universe and its functioning
- are as concrete are as concrete as a kitchen table. To the layman
- they are as staggering as to be told, when he is straining to
- make out the smudge which is all he can see of the great cluster
- in the constellation Hercules, that the faint light that strikes
- his eye left its source 34,000 years ago.
- </p>
- <p> Hence the pathetic paradox that Einstein's discoveries, the
- greatest triumph of reasoning mind on record, are accepted by
- most people on faith. Hence the fact that most people never
- expect to understand more about Relativity than is told by the
- limerick:
- </p>
- <qt>
- <l>There was a young lady called Bright,</l>
- <l>Who could travel much faster than light;</l>
- <l>She went out one day,</l>
- <l>In a relative way,</l>
- <l>And came back the previous night.</l>
- </qt>
- <p> Newton's Simple World. For 200 years before Einstein,
- physicists had faithfully followed a set of basic laws published
- by the great Sir Isaac Newton in 1687. Their faithfulness had
- paid off. Sir Isaac led them to many triumphs and promised them
- many more.
- </p>
- <p> Newton's laws were high-school simple. he assumed the
- existence of two independent entities--mass and force, which
- interacted as follows:
- </p>
- <p> 1) Every body (mass) continues in its state of rest, or of
- uniform motion in a straight line, except so far as it may be
- compelled by force to change that state.
- </p>
- <p> 2) Any two bodies attract one another with a force
- (gravitation) which is proportional to the product of their
- masses divided by the square of the distance between them.
- </p>
- <p> Upon these basic rules (and others closely related),
- physicists built an imposing structure of knowledge. They
- predicted the motions of the earth, the moon, the planets. They
- derived a maze of useful mechanical sub-laws. They explained the
- behavior of gases, and discovered the nature of heat. Newton's
- laws did not account for everything, but the physicists felt that
- this was due to their own ignorance. Eventually, they were sure,
- all phenomena could be explained in Newton's terms.
- </p>
- <p> When conflicting facts were discovered by increasingly
- sensitive instruments, physicists tended to ignore them, or to
- explain them away by highly artificial creations. Most famous of
- these was the ether--a tenuous material supposed to fill all
- space. Ether was necessary (in Newtonian physics) for carrying
- light waves.
- </p>
- <p> End of the Ether. The ether had another valuable property:
- it was at rest "the calm ether-sea"--while everything else in
- the universe was in motion. Thus it provided the only stable
- "frame of reference." The earth, for instance, was thought to
- have "absolute motion" through the motionless ether.
- </p>
- <p> In 1887 came that dreadful day when the ether was done to
- death. Two U.S. physicists, Albert A. Michelson and E. W. Morley,
- measured the speed of light simultaneously in two directions at
- right angles to one another. The speeds were expected to differ
- slightly because of "ether drift" past the earth. They turned out
- to be exactly the same, proving conclusively that ether did not
- exist.
- </p>
- <p> Loss of the ether left the physicists inconsolable. Without
- it, light waves had no medium to carry them. The vital "frame of
- reference" was gone. No motion was "absolute" now. The motion of
- every moving body could be measured only "relative" to some other
- moving body.
- </p>
- <p> For nearly 20 years, the physicists worked hard to "save"
- the either. But the ether could not be saved, and with it went
- the authority of Newton's scientific decalogue, which depended
- upon it. Science, the guiding mind of technological civilization,
- was in crisis.
- </p>
- <p> Albert Einstein, then an unknown clerk in a Swiss patent
- office, rescued science. In his Theory of Special Relativity
- (1905) he abandoned Newton's assumption of independent mass and
- force. In its place he put the assumption, well supported by
- observation, that the speed of light in a vacuum is constant, no
- matter what the speed of its source.
- </p>
- <p> This assumption was the heart of Relativity. When properly
- developed, mathematically, it led to astonishing conclusions,
- some of them (like many scientific facts) "contrary to common
- sense." suppose, for instance, that the earth is moving at many
- feet per second toward a star. This approaching motion does not
- increase the arrival speed of the star's light, which strikes the
- earth at exactly the same speed (186,000 miles per second) as if
- the earth were at rest. Expressed in an equation, it looks like
- this: 186,000 mps + velocity of earth = 186,00 mps.
- </p>
- <p> Even if the earth speeds toward the start at 100,000 mps, it
- makes no difference: 186,000 mps + 100,000 mps = 186,000 mps.
- </p>
- <p> Slow Clocks, Heavy Matter. Obviously, something is wrong,
- for even Relativity does not abolish simple arithmetic.
- Einstein's daring conclusion was that only the speed of light is
- invariable. When the speed of a body changes, its dimensions and
- its mass and its time also change. As it speeds up, it shrinks
- (in the direction of the motion); its clocks slow down; its
- matter grows heavier. If the earth were to reach a speed of
- 161,000 mps, every pound of matter in it would double in weight.
- </p>
- <p> Observers on the speeded-up earth would not know that
- anything had changed. But with their slow-down clocks and their
- shrunken yardsticks, they would measure the arriving starlight in
- such a way that its speed would come out 186,000 mps. Under
- Relativity, the "absurd" equations above are not absurd.
- </p>
- <p> Shrunken yardsticks are hard to measure but the increase of
- mass, which Einstein predicted in 1905 has been observed
- accurately. Certain material particles shot out by radium move at
- 185,000 mps, almost the speed of light. When they are weighed in
- flight (by a magnetic device), their mass is shown to have
- increased according to his prediction.
- </p>
- <p> What makes the mass increase? A fast-moving body, Einstein
- proved mathematically, has more energy, and energy has mass. Thus
- the mass of a moving body is its "rest-mass" plus the mass of the
- energy it contains.
- </p>
- <p> This was a revolutionary concept. If energy can turn into
- mass by speeding up a moving body, then mass, perhaps, can turn
- into energy. "Certainly," said Einstein. "Mass, including the
- mass of all mater, is merely another form of energy." In his
- famous equation, he gave their equivalent values: E=mc2. (E=mc2,
- with E standing for energy expressed in ergs, m the mass in
- grams, and c the speed of light in centimeters per second.) This
- meant that every pound of any kind of matter contained as much
- energy as is given off by the explosion of 14 million tons of
- TNT. It took the world 40 years (until Hiroshima) to appreciate
- this shocker.
- </p>
- <p> Photons and Quanta. In that same year, 1905, Einstein
- advanced another theory which many historians of science consider
- even more important than Relativity. The ether was gone, and
- although Relativity established the velocity of light as the
- firmest figure in the universe, it did not supply any medium to
- carry the waves of light.
- </p>
- <p> At that time nearly all physicists agreed that light
- consisted of waves whose properties had been observed in great
- detail. The old theory (favored by Newton) that light was
- speeding corpuscles had been abandoned. But the theory had one
- great advantage: corpuscles can move through space by themselves.
- Unlike waves, they need to medium to carry them.
- </p>
- <p> Einstein's solution of this dilemma was characteristically
- bold. "Light," he said, "is both corpuscles and waves." A light
- ray is a shower of energy particles called "photons" whose energy
- increases with the wave frequency of the light.
- </p>
- <p> Out of this simple but daring idea developed the supremely
- important knowledge that energy comes in small, discontinuous
- "quanta" analogous to the atoms of matter and the electrons of
- electricity.
- </p>
- <p> Gravitation and Starlight. "Special Relativity," though it
- stood many rigorous tests, was not accepted at once. For ten
- years Einstein worked, extending his theory to cover more varied
- "frames of reference." In 1915, he published his "General
- Relativity." It explained the force of gravitation itself, which
- Newton had merely pointed out.
- </p>
- <p> Here was a chance for a final, convincing test. According to
- Einstein, light carried energy. Therefore it had mass. Therefore
- rays of light from a star should be bent by a definite amount
- when they passed through the strong gravitational field near the
- sun. A convenient solar eclipse provided the opportunity to test
- the theory. Star images near the rim of the blacked-out sun were
- displaced by almost exactly the amount which Einstein predicted,
- proving that their rays had been bent.
- </p>
- <p> From that day, Relativity was the basic law of the universe.
- Einstein's photons, too, grew into the head-splitting Quantum
- Mechanics, which teaches that all matter is nothing but waves,
- crossing and interacting. Little by little, both theories have
- worked their way into nearly all branches of science.
- </p>
- <p> The end of the physical revolution which Einstein started is
- not yet in sight. Perhaps it will stop itself--suddenly--in
- mid-development under the impact of that equation, E=mc2, which
- inspired the nuclear physicists to turn small bits of matter into
- world-shaking energy.
- </p>
- <p> If the atom bomb blasted the last popular skepticism about
- Einstein's genius, it also blasted man's complacent pride in the
- power of unaided intellect. At the very moment that it was
- finally mastered, matter was most elusive and most menacing.
- </p>
- <p> The fateful mind behind the bomb was born into the world it
- was to change so greatly, at Ulm, Germany, in 1879. Einstein's
- father was an unsuccessful merchant turned unsuccessful
- electrical engineer.
- </p>
- <p> The boy was painfully shy, introspective, and so slow in
- learning to speak that his parents feared he was subnormal. At
- school he was a poor student. But he learned to improvise on the
- piano, and used to make up religious songs which he would hum in
- his own room where no one could hear him.
- </p>
- <p> At 13, Albert was reading Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason."
- Soon he discovered Schopenhauer and Nietzche.
- </p>
- <p> In 1895, Einstein took the entrance examinations for the
- Polytechnicum in Zurich, Switzerland. He failed, but got in a
- year later. At Zurich he completed his formal scientific
- education, became fast friends with the Austrian Socialist
- leader, political assassin and physicist, Friedrich Adler.
- </p>
- <p> After graduation Einstein became a Swiss citizen, later
- married the Serbian mathematician, Mileva Marech, by whom he had
- two sons.
- </p>
- <p> Patent Applied For. For two years Einstein earned a wretched
- living by tutoring. Then he got an obscure job as patent examiner
- in the Bern patent office. He worked there for seven years. They
- were among his most productive, theoretically. Scribbling his
- ideas on scraps of paper, which he thrust out of sight whenever a
- supervisor approached, Einstein developed his Theory of Special
- Relativity, which he published without fanfare under the modest
- title: On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies.
- </p>
- <p> Relativity had been born, and among scientist the patent
- clerk was already famous. Soon he became a lecturer at Bern
- University, then extraordinary professor of physics at the
- University of Zurich. He taught for a year at the university of
- Prague, and in the most medieval city in Europe continued his
- development of the General Theory of Relativity (published in
- 1915).
- </p>
- <p> One year before World War I, Max Planck (Quantum Theory)
- used his influence to have Einstein appointed professor at
- Berlin's Academy of Sciences. One of his duties was managing the
- Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Research. Since Einstein
- would not relinquish his Swiss citizenship, the Prussian
- Government gave him honorary citizenship.
- </p>
- <p> The American. After Hitler came to power, Einstein went
- first to Belgium and England, then to the U.S. In 1940 he became
- a U.S. citizen. In the U.S. he has continued to work on his
- Unified Field Theory, which he hopes will bridge the gap between
- his Relativity Theory and the Quantum Theory, thus producing a
- universal law of nature. There is a story that as he was crossing
- the Princeton campus one day with Dr. Abraham Flexner, head of
- the Institute for Advanced Study, Einstein said: "I think I am on
- the verge of my greatest discovery." A few weeks later he asked
- Flexner: "Do you remember that I told you that I was about to
- make my greatest discovery?" "Yes," said Flexner, "I wonder how I
- restrained myself from asking you what it was." "Well," said
- Einstein, "it didn't pan out."
- </p>
- <p> In Princeton, Einstein lives with simplicity in a prim, box-
- shaped frame house, with a wisteria wine shrouding the front
- porch. Until her death in 1936, his second wife (and cousin),
- Elsa, was the female Fafnir who guarded his peace, seclusion and
- his household accounts. It was Elsa who managed his swelling
- correspondence (20 letters on dull days, hundreds in season),
- kept off nosy newshawks and curious neighbors. The Einsteins
- loved music but did not approve of jazz. One neighbor, a friendly
- woman who was a great chess enthusiast and had heard that
- Einstein was too, dropped in to offer to play. "Chezz!" cried
- Elsa Einstein, who spoke English with a pronounced accent--"There shall be no chezz in this house."
- </p>
- <p> Einstein works in an austerely simple room with no
- instrument but a pencil. He has never made a laboratory
- experiment, though he likes to pad around the Institute's
- laboratory, and make suggestions for improving the apparatus.
- When people explain to him why the improvement will not improve,
- he says sadly: "Ja, Ja, I see that it will not work."
- </p>
- <p> The Navigator. He likes to play the fiddle (favorite
- composers: Bach, Mozart), and to sail a boat. In sailing, his
- system is to set the sail, make it fast, and with no thought of
- velocity or energy, loll back while the boat drifts. He smokes a
- pipe, but never drinks.
- </p>
- <p> Einstein is probably happiest among children, with whom he
- loses all his shyness and whom he keeps in gales of laughter. His
- kindness to children is proverbial. One little Princeton girl
- used this to good advantage: she got him to do her arithmetic
- homework for her. When suspected, she confessed simply: "Einstein
- did it for me."
- </p>
- <p> Einstein was once violently pacifist. In 1930 he wrote
- "...That vilest offspring of the herd mind--the odious
- malitia..." After Hitler, his thoughts became somewhat more
- martial. He is also a Zionist ("The Jew is most happy if he
- remains a Jew"), an internationalist ("Nationalism is the measles
- of mankind"). Einstein claims that he s religious man ("Every
- really deep scientist must necessarily have religious feeling").
- But he does not believe in the immortality of the soul.
- </p>
- <p> Blast Shock. Last week Professor Einstein seemed suffering
- from blast shock from the bomb he had fathered. In the New York
- Times he warned Americans that "There is no foreseeable defense
- against atomic bombs...Scientists do not even know of any
- field which promises us any hope of adequate defense." The
- Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, of which Einstein is
- chairman, frantically appealed for $200,000 to educate people to
- "a new type of thinking...if mankind is to survive and move
- toward a higher level."
- </p>
- <p> Mankind, in general less apocalyptic, scarcely knew what to
- think or do. Most of them were inclined to accept a bomb
- stolidly--like an earthquake, an act of God. Few were even yet
- willing to accept Oswald Spengler's bracing pessimism about the
- age: "There is no question of prudent retreat or wise
- renunciation. Only dreamers believe that there is a way out.
- Optimism is cowardice." But there was a growing sense that the
- Brothers de Goncourt had been grimly farsighted when they wrote
- in their Journal (in 1870):
- </p>
- <p> "They were saying that Berthelot had predicted that a
- hundred years from now, thanks to physical and chemical science,
- men would know of what the atom is constituted...To all this
- we raised no objection, but we have the feeling that when this
- time comes in science, God with His white beard will come down to
- earth, swinging a bunch of keys, and will say to humanity, the
- way they say at 5 o'clock at the Salon, `Closing time,
- gentlemen.'"
- </p>
- </body>
- </article>
- </text>